The 4-Steps Round Up 12.12.2014
photo by Teppei Sato The bad guys are trotting out the same old nuclear rah-rah routine, telling the same old lies. The #FukuFighters on the other hand are talking about innovation in energy, diet and activism. Here are the highlights, step-by-step: STEP 1. EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD While I was in Las Vegas this […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 12.5.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato Lots of international nuclear news this week: Diablo Canyon NPP in CA got downgraded by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the same week that the NRC is dressed down publicly by Sen. Barbara Boxer for not adopting safeguards post-Fukushima to plants in the US. Germany is leading the way in renewables going […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 11.28.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato The nuclear bad guys are trotting out there same old dog and pony show to justify their dino-tech this week. The dying US Navy first responders from Operation Tomodachi and thyroid stricken kids in Chiba are not impressed. Here are the highlights, step-by-step: STEP 1. EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD A second death […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 11.21.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato Recession in Japan means Abenomics is tanking and so are the PM’s approval numbers. That’s good for us because between the earthquakes, the increase in thyroid ‘anomolies’ and the Wall Street thugs who THINK nuclear is making a comeback, what we need is REAL leadership for the people, not the $$$. […]
Japan extends the Fukushima clean-up deadline to 2017
Plans to decontaminate six towns and villages close to Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant have to be delayed by up to three more years, officials say. CLICK for more Courtesy of BBC News
The government could still save lives
Nuclear expert witness Arnie Gundersen discusses Fukushima’s radioactive fallout Courtesy of Japan Times
Hard numbers about Fukushima Daiichi from Veterans Today, the military and foreign affairs journal
Fukushima’s Melted Reactors 500 Days On
Dr. Helen Caldicott presents even more common sense about what radioactive fallout from Fukushima does and calls US out to get off our butts and change the tide.
CDC: Whooping cough rising at alarming rate in US