The 4-Steps Round Up 02.06.2015
Photo by Reuters What are kids eating nowadays that are making them so sick? Fukushima fallout casts a dark shadow over the nuclear power despite their most misguided protestations. Find out how to change the conversation in our favor, step-by-step: STEP 1 EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD In Japan post-Fukushima, 100 bequerels per kg (a becquerel is […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 01.30.2015
Photo by Teppei Sato Here’s a question for ya, nuclear bad guys – if the rice, produce, meat and fish from #Fukushima is so safe, why can’t kids play outdoors there still to this day? Find out the answers and learn how the deadly uranium ‘commodity’ is REALLY bad for business, step-by-step: STEP 1 EDUCATE […]
Dosimeter of Fukushima citizen counts 40% lower than actual, Maker admits
On 1/28/2015, “CHIYODA TECHNOL CORPORATION [URL]” announced on their website that their dosimeter shows cumulative exposure dose lower than actual air dose rate by 30 〜 40%. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Fukushima Diary
The 4-Steps Round Up 01.23.2015
Photo by Yonhap Between the non-stop safety issues and the skyrocketing costs, nuclear power is looking more and more like the dud these days. But they keep pushing, despite what the numbers on the radioactive fish or thyroid cancer in kids say. It’s our job to push back and here’s how we do it, step-by-step: […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 01.16.2015
Photo by Teppei Sato The arrogance of the nuclear cultists is forcing them to speed up every process they can to make that one last nickel before the end, because this IS the end. They know it and we know it – so let’s light a candle to see our way forward, out of the […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 01.09.2015
TEPCO still can’t control the water problem at the site The mainstream media is working overtime to let you know everything is just FINE over in Japan but we know better don’t we? The refugees of the disaster are STILL suffering, the food is STILL not really safe to eat and the nuclear power […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 01.02.2015
Photo by Teppei Sato Soft-pedaling the problem while 3.11 refugees are suffering is not exactly helping. But then again, neither is the nuclear industry’s call for a revival in the face of rampant safety issues and blatant corruption. Here’s the break down, step-by-step: STEP 1 EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD The Washington Post has been doing it’s […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 12.26.2014
Photo by 佐々木 Almost 4 full years after the #Fukushima nuclear disaster and tsunami and made whole towns uninhabitable forever, we STILL have thousands of refugees suffering in ‘temporary’ housing in Japan. This is why Step 2 of the Operation SAVE the Earth plan is so vital. Here’s what we need to do change things, […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 12.19.2014
Photo by MCAN The winds of change are blowing this week. Suddenly we’re cool with Cuba? YUP. Did industrial hemp just get legalized? KINDA! And when I went to the Arizona Corporation Commission hearings this week to represent for rooftop solar here in the PHX, things looked positive! Now if we could only say […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 12.12.2014
photo by Teppei Sato The bad guys are trotting out the same old nuclear rah-rah routine, telling the same old lies. The #FukuFighters on the other hand are talking about innovation in energy, diet and activism. Here are the highlights, step-by-step: STEP 1. EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD While I was in Las Vegas this […]