The 4-Steps Round Up 12.5.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato Lots of international nuclear news this week: Diablo Canyon NPP in CA got downgraded by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the same week that the NRC is dressed down publicly by Sen. Barbara Boxer for not adopting safeguards post-Fukushima to plants in the US. Germany is leading the way in renewables going […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 11.28.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato The nuclear bad guys are trotting out there same old dog and pony show to justify their dino-tech this week. The dying US Navy first responders from Operation Tomodachi and thyroid stricken kids in Chiba are not impressed. Here are the highlights, step-by-step: STEP 1. EDUCATE & SAFEGUARD A second death […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 11.21.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato Recession in Japan means Abenomics is tanking and so are the PM’s approval numbers. That’s good for us because between the earthquakes, the increase in thyroid ‘anomolies’ and the Wall Street thugs who THINK nuclear is making a comeback, what we need is REAL leadership for the people, not the $$$. […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 10.31.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato Between the uranium hexaflouride release at the Honeywell plant in Illinois that no one is talking about (except us) and sexy Ebola containment costumes, it was a scary week indeed! This week in #Fukushima news, justice for the USS Ronald Reagan sailors becomes real but college kids from #Fukushima meet another […]
The 4-Steps Round Up 10.24.2014
Photo by Teppei Sato This week in #Fukushima news, too much news to handle as kids in the suburbs of Tokyo suffer from the ineptitude of #TEPCO and the malice of the dying nuclear cartel. Here are the highlights, step-by-step: Step 1: Educate & Safeguard The number one thing you can do to make yourself […]
Green Action Japan’s Aileen Mioko Smith on Post-Fukushima Realities
Aileen Mioko Smith heads Kyoto-based Green Action and is one of Japan’s most respected antinuclear activists. For decades, she has warned about the dangers of building nuclear power plants, especially in a country highly prone to earthquakes. It has often been a lonely fight against an entrenched nuclear power lobby that has ruled Japan’s energy […]