Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

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Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Fuel Removal Suspended For 3 Months

TEPCO announced that work to remove spent fuel from the unit 4 fuel pool will be suspended for 3 months. TEPCO claims this is for an annual crane inspection but didn’t state why an annual inspection would take 3 months, 1/4 of a year. As of the work stoppage 1188 spent fuel assemblies have been […]

TEPCO ‘breaks vow,’ refuses more compensation for Fukushima nuclear victims

The operator of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has rejected requests for additional compensation from residents forced to evacuate because of the nuclear disaster, defying a government mediation center.  CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Asahi Shimbun

Water decontamination system resumes at Fukushima plant

The crippled Fukushima nuclear plant on Sunday restarted its trouble-plagued water decontamination system for the first time in three months, the utility said. Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) has been forced to repeatedly switch off its Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), which purifies radiation-tainted water, due to a series of glitches plaguing the system since […]

23% of Ibaraki children in Takahagi city to be “A2″ in thyroid test

22.8% of children were diagnosed to be “A2″ in Takahagi city Ibaraki.  The testees were the city children who were 2 ~ 18 years old in 2013. The test was implemented from May 2013 to this March.  CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Fukushima Diary

Fukushima children thyroid cancer cases spreading to their lymph nodes and lungs

As predicted and following the ongoing counts of Thyroid cancers in the children of Fukushima, reported here, here, and here , the numbers are climbing high enough that doctors and researchers across the country are starting to question current data provided by the Fukushima Medical University. 甲状腺検査は、震災時18歳以下の約37万人が対象。 これまでにがんと診断が確定した子どもは50人、がんの疑いは39人に上る。 CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Evacuate Fukushima […]

Japan begins building Fukushima ice wall

The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has begun work on a large underground ice wall to isolate toxic water it has produced. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of BBC News

Court sets precedent by ordering TEPCO to pay provisional compensation

A court here ordered Tokyo Electric Power Co. to pay provisional compensation to a man who took it upon himself to flee Fukushima Prefecture after the nuclear disaster even though he did not live in a compulsory evacuation zone. It is the first such court order since the triple meltdown at the Fukushima No. 1 […]

TEPCO starts diverting Fukushima groundwater to sea

The operator of Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant said Wednesday it has begun a bypass system that diverts groundwater into the sea in a bid to reduce the volume of contaminated water. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Japan Today

Nosebleeds, food, and fear: How a manga became center of a debate on Fukushima

“In Fukushima, there are a lot of people who suffer from the same symptoms. They just don’t talk about it,” and in another scene bluntly stating that “people should not live in Fukushima today.” CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Japan Today

Radioactive cesium-137 released from Fukushima 1.5 times Tepco estimate: study

The total amount of radioactive cesium-137 released into the atmosphere and seawater from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is estimated at between 17,500 and 20,500 terabecquerels, a study by a Japanese research team showed Friday. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Japan Times

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