Archive for News
Tepco completes sea wall to keep tainted Fukushima No. 1 water from reaching sea
Tokyo Electric Power Co. announced completion Monday of a 780-meter coastal wall along the heavily damaged reactor buildings of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Japan Times
New environment chief vows to engage communities targeted for nuclear waste facility in Japan
Newly appointed Environment Minister Tamayo Marukawa said Thursday the ministry will continue to lobby Fukushima residents to back the construction of storage and disposal facilities for radioactive waste generated by the Fukushima nuclear crisis. CLICK FOR MORE courtesy of Japan Times
117 Fukushima town residents sue TEPCO, gov’t over nuclear disaster
Over 100 residents of Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, affected by the Fukushima nuclear crisis, have jointly sued Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of the crippled nuclear plant, and the central government. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Mainichi
Nearly 700,000 tons of radioactive water stored at Fukushima plant
Almost 700,000 tons of radiation-contaminated water have accumulated at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. disclosed Sept. 4. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of The Asahi Shimbun
Fukushima nuclear disaster evacuees promised 2017 return but ‘ineffective’ clear-up may take 200 years
Radiation levels in the abandoned towns near the power plant in Japan are 19 times higher than that considered safe for humans. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of the Daily Mirror
TEPCO to Resume Fukushima Protective Cover Removal in Late July
Japanese utility company TEPCO will resume work to remove a protective cover from the stricken Fukushima reactor building in late July. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Nuclear Power Daily
Radiated Fukushima Prefecture soil disposal facility to be nationalized
Environment Minister Yoshio Mochizuki told Fukushima Prefecture leaders Friday that the central government plans to nationalize a private facility intended for the disposal of relatively low radioactive waste in the prefecture. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Japan Times
Still 960,000Bq Cs-134/137 and 2,336,000,000Bq noble gas discharged from reactors to the air every single hour
On 5/25/2015, Tepco reported still 960,000 Bq / hour of Cesium-134 and 137 is assumed to be discharged from Reactor 1 -4 to the air this April. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Fukushima Dairy
Fukushima Radiation Found In Tap Water Around Japan
Testing conducted in February and March of 2015 found cesium in many tap water samples collected around Japan. While the numbers were fairly low it is still a persistent problem since tap water is used in some way in everything that is consumed. In the readings, Tokyo had higher tap water contamination levels than Fukushima […]
TEPCO to remove covering at Fukushima Unit 1
The owner of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, began on Friday work to remove a cover placed over the building housing reactor No. 1, a major step towards dismantling the plant. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of La Prensa