Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

Archive for News

Uranium’s long and shameful journey

“This time no one dropped a bomb on us. We set the stage, we committed the crime with our own hands, we are destroying our own lands, and we are destroying our own lives. While we are the victims, we are also the perpetrators. We must fix our eyes on this fact. If we fail […]

Green Action Japan’s Aileen Mioko Smith on Post-Fukushima Realities

Aileen Mioko Smith heads Kyoto-based Green Action and is one of Japan’s most respected antinuclear activists. For decades, she has warned about the dangers of building nuclear power plants, especially in a country highly prone to earthquakes.  It has often been a lonely fight against an entrenched nuclear power lobby that has ruled Japan’s energy […]

Fukushima “it could have been worse”: Arnie Gundersen

Want to know how it happened and how lucky you are to be alive? WATCH THIS Courtesy of Fairewinds

Doctor group urges radiation action

Gov’t should pay to evacuate irradiated areas, women and children first Courtesy of Japan Times via Enenews

Cesium measured from school lunch ingredient in Niigata, west coast of Japan

The board of education in Niigata prefecture comments, 27 local governments conduct radiation check of school lunch ingredients, but it was the first case to detect cesium. Courtesy of Fukushima Diary

Voices of the people in Japan are making themselves heard

Postcards from Japan: nuclear reactions There is a new energy of resistance among the Japanese population against the continuance of the nuclear industry Courtesy of the Australian Conservation Foundation

Non-Fukushima children to be checked for thyroid abnormalities

The government will check the thyroid glands of 4,500 children in three distant places in Japan to determine whether the 36 percent of Fukushima children so far found to have thyroid growths are victims of the nuclear disaster, officials said Monday. Courtesy of Japan Times

Forest near Fukushima nuclear plant turning into high-radiation jungle

“If degrading of the mountain progresses, a natural disaster will certainly occur” Courtesy of The Mainichi

Japan PM meets activists as he ponders nuclear power

PM Noda still thinks nuclear power is necessary even though the people don’t want or need it. http://news.yahoo.com/japan-pm-meets-activists-ponders-nuclear-power-081023677.html Courtesy of Yahoo News

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