Archive for News
Prof Mitsuhei Murata: A Plea for a Total Ban on the Use of Nuclear Energy
Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, addresses attendees at the Coalition Against Nuke’s Sep. 20th Congressional Briefing. “The critical situation at Fukushima requires the mobilization of human wisdom on the widest possible scale.” Courtesy of Nuclear Free Planet
Power industry campaigns to pull the plug on the Democratic Party of Japan
As long as politicians continue to rely on votes and money provided by the power industry, they will not be able to speak against it. By controlling politics, the power industry will regain the upper hand it lost after the Fukushima nuclear crisis. Courtesy of Japan Times
Japan’s Nuclear Program; Rearranging Deck Chairs On The Titanic
There is a clear divide in Japan between the people and forward thinking companies vs. the old business establishment and the nuclear industry. Courtesy of SimplyInfo
Kucinich Addresses Coalition of Anti Nuclear Activists
Coalition Against Nukes Rally: Congressional Briefing, September 20, 2012 Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today addressed an overflowing audience of enthusiastic supporters as he explained the current status of the nuclear industry in the United States. Courtesy of Nuclear Free Planet
The government could still save lives
Nuclear expert witness Arnie Gundersen discusses Fukushima’s radioactive fallout Courtesy of Japan Times
Japan to aim for zero nuclear power reliance in 2030s
The ruling Democratic Party of Japan has proposed that the government utilize all possible options to realize zero dependence in the 2030s. The government is set to accept this goal. Courtesy of Japan Times
Challenges Again Face Fukushima Daiichi
TEPCO has gone on the cheap with the ad hoc cooling system of plastic hoses, duct tape and plastic. After a recent earthquake TEPCO began having issues keeping water flowing. Courtesy of Simplyinfo
Kawasaki city mayor, “School serves radioactive lunch for educational purpose.”
Tokyo newspaper reported Abe, the city mayor of Kawasaki stated they serve radioactive school lunch for educational purpose. “Students need to know they live in danger by consuming radioactive school lunch.” Courtesy of Fukushima Diary
Hiroshima survivors hold nuke protest in Israel
JERUSALEM – A group of survivors from the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack have held a protest in Jerusalem calling for the end of nuclear weapons. Courtesy of Associated Press via Fox News
Global help urged to avert reactor 4 pool fire
U.S. expert appalled by Tepco’s attitude over ‘sleeping dragon’ risk Courtesy of Japan Times