Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

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Tepco now admits radioactive water entering the sea at Fukushima No. 1

Fukushima nuclear plant operator Tepco on Monday admitted for the first time that radioactive groundwater is flowing into the sea, fueling fears that marine life is being poisoned. Click HERE for more. Courtesy of Japan Times

Radioactive Cesium soars 90-fold at Fukushima in just 3 days

Levels of radioactive cesium-134 in a well at Fukushima nuclear power plant are up to 90 times higher than just three days ago, and may spread into the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, 10 applications to restart reactors under stricter rules have been received. – See more click HERE Courtesy of DiaNuke.org

Fukushima: Strontium now in Groundwater

Thom Hartmann talks with Kevin Kamps, Nuclear Waste Watchdog-Beyond Nuclear Website: www.beyondnuclear.org, about the latest dangers at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.  Click HERE to watch the video Courtesy of Thom Hartmann

Leak Found in Steel Tank for Water at Fukushima

The operator of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant said Wednesday that it had found a leak in one of the hundreds of steel tanks used to store radioactive water at the plant, raising renewed questions about the company’s ability to handle the plant’s cleanup.  Click HERE for more Courtesy NY Times

Fukushima made ex-premier a ‘no nukes’ crusader

After the cascade of disasters that befell Japan 27 months ago, then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan took the brunt of withering criticism for shoddy nuclear safety standards at the crippled Fukushima reactor complex and the government’s chaotic emergency response to the crises.  Kan also took away a life-altering lesson. A longtime proponent of nuclear energy for […]

Former Japan PM Naoto Kan speaks about Fukushima disaster

Naoto Kan speaks in San Diego 6.4.2013 (click HERE to watch video) Courtesy of eon3

U.N. urges Japan to boost checks for internal radiation exposure from Fukushima disaster

Anand Grover, the U.N. special rapporteur on the right to health, is calling on Japan to expand examinations of internal radiation exposure of people in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, saying a health management survey by Fukushima Prefecture is insufficient. Click HERE for more Courtesy of The Mainichi

CONTAMINATED WATER IN FUKUSHIMA: Fukushima No. 1 can’t keep its head above tainted water

More than two years into the triple-meltdown crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, workers continue to wage a desperate battle to keep the stricken reactors cool while trying to contain the 400 tons of radioactive water produced by the process each day. Courtesy of Japan Times

TEPCO Begins Dumping Contaminated Water Into The Sea

TEPCO has begun dumping groundwater pumped out of a set of wells inland from the reactors into the Pacific. TEPCO dumped 200 tons of groundwater yesterday as a test. They claim it has the same radiation level as nearby rivers but did not say what that level was or the actual substances in the water. […]

Lawsuit seeks evacuation of Fukushima children

THEIR demand: The right to live free of radiation. The plaintiffs who started the legal battle: 14 children. A Japanese appeals court is expected to rule soon on this unusual lawsuit, filed on behalf of the children by their parents and anti-nuclear activists in June 2011 in a district court in Fukushima city, about 60 […]

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