Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

Archive for News

Thyroid cancer cases increase among young people in Fukushima

The number of young people in Fukushima Prefecture who have been diagnosed with definitive or suspected thyroid gland cancer, which is often associated with radiation exposure, has risen to 75, prefectural officials said Feb. 7. Click for MORE Courtesy of Asahi Shimbun

Two Fukushima towns agree to interim nuclear waste storage facilities

Fukushima Gov Yuhei Sato said Tuesday that Okuma and Futaba towns will accept interim nuclear waste storage facilities as planned, although a third designated site—at Naraha town—rejected the proposal last month. Click to see MORE Courtesy of Japan Today

Fukushima Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pool Debris Removal Update

METI has reported some progress and a plan for removing debris out of the unit 3 spent fuel pool. Initial work already in progress includes removal of the steel pool cover and then any rebar than can easily be removed, this work is already underway. Click for MORE Courtesy of Fukuleaks

US Puts Major Strings On Offer To Help With Fukushima Disaster

US Energy Secretary Moniz offered “international help” with the Fukushima disaster but it comes with some big strings attached.  Click to read more <— Courtesy of FukuLeaks.org

In policy shift, decommissioning unit to join Fukushima compensation fund

To accelerate work at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, the industry ministry plans to place a new decommissioning division within the government-backed fund responsible for compensating victims of the disaster.  Click for more <— Courtesy of The Asahi Shimbun

Radiation over limit on TEPCO plant border

Tokyo Electric Power Co. has failed to take proper measures to deal with X-rays emitted from its storage tanks for water contaminated with radioactive substances at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, resulting in radiation as much as eight times higher than the permitted limit along the border of the plant’s premises.  Click for […]

Japan: Emperor expresses thoughts of concern to 2011 disaster victims

“At the dawn of the new year, my heart once again goes out to the afflicted people, those who cannot return to the places they used to live because of radioactive contamination and those who have to spend the cold harsh winter in temporary housing,” he said in the statement. “In this new year, it […]

TEPCO Begins Seismic Review Of Unit 3

TEPCO has begun a seismic review of the condition of unit 3. With the debris removed from the refueling floor, efforts have begun to inspect the building for more damage.  CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of SimplyInfo

As evacuation designated areas shrink, so are options for Fukushima evacuees

Since the start of the catastrophe in Fukushima on March 2011, areas designated for evacuation due to radiation levels have been redrawn on maps countless time, with a complete disregard for the safety, (physical and mental) of its residents. The ongoing contamination keeps on spreading, regardless of little circles or “invisible frontiers” being pushed back […]

Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant begins fuel rod removal

Workers at Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have begun removing fuel rods from a storage pond at the Unit 4 reactor building. Read more at BBC NEWS

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