Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

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Ex-Fukushima worker suing nuclear plant over radiation exposure

A former worker is seeking 11 million yen ($110,000) in compensation from the operator of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant for exposing him to high levels of radiation after the 2011 tsunami. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of CTV

Japan seeking international assistance with Fukushima Daiichi fuel removal

On Friday, officials from the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID) in Japan attending a seminar asked for input from engineers in Japan and across the world on removing melted nuclear fuel from the crippled reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.  CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Enformable

Those outside Fukushima receive no help with health monitoring although contamination has spread far beyond the prefectural border 福島県外の被曝健康調査は全て自助努力となっており、国は必要性を認めていない。

Concerning the TEPCO nuclear power plant nuclear disaster, the health testing in the Fukushima prefecture, this is not reproduced in other areas where high levels of radiation have been found. There are not funds made available to these other contaminated areas.  CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Nuclear-News

Estimated radiation doses of Fukushima returnees withheld for half a year

The government withheld findings on estimated radiation exposure for Fukushima returnees for six months, even though levels exceeded the long-term target of 1 millisievert a year at more than half of surveyed locations.  CLICK for MORE Courtesy of Aaahi Shimbun

TEPCO moving to divert groundwater from Fukushima reactors

Tokyo Electric Power Co. put the first stage of its groundwater bypass plan into action on April 9 in an effort to prevent contaminated water from accumulating at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.  CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Asahi Shimbun

UN Investigator urges Fukushima to broaden health testing

UN special rapporteur and civil rights attorney from New Delhi Anand Grover urged the prefectural government of Fukushima to broaden the scope of testing in the area. He noted that thyroid cancer tests conducted in Fukushima show a narrow understanding of the health effects of radiation and has cited the case of the Hiroshima bombing […]

Fukushima nuclear plant workers rally against TEPCO

TOKYO — Fukushima nuclear plant workers rallied outside the headquarters of operator Tokyo Electric Power on Friday, complaining they were forced to work for meager pay in dangerous conditions. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of Japan Today

Prosecutors drop charges over Fukushima nuclear disaster

No-one has been held accountable for the second-worst nuclear accident in history. CLICK FOR MORE Courtesy of The Telegraph

TEPCO to end Fukushima evacuee compensation by Feb 2015, ignoring gov’t guidelines

Ignoring the guidelines set by the government, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) declared that it would stop paying compensation to people whose incomes fell because of the Fukushima nuclear accident by next February. The operator of the crippled nuclear power plant said that “improvement in the employment climate” is the reason it will do so. […]

New Independent Fukushima Food Contamination Results

People in Japan early on realized they needed to take things into their own hands if they wanted to know the conditions around them and what their risk factors were. Citizen labs have been set up in Japan to allow people to test their own food. Click for MORE Courtesy of FukuLeaks

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