Operation SAVE the Earth - Fighting against the Fukushima nuclear disaster

The 4-Steps Round Up 10.24.2014

Photo by Teppei Sato

This week in #Fukushima news, too much news to handle as kids in the suburbs of Tokyo suffer from the ineptitude of #TEPCO and the malice of the dying nuclear cartel.  Here are the highlights, step-by-step:

Step 1: Educate & Safeguard
The number one thing you can do to make yourself smarter about what’s going on at #Fukushima is to listen to the Nuclear Hotseat Podcast with Libbe HaLevy every week!  All the latest anti-nuclear news with exclusive interviews in a compact hour of entertainment and information.  BOOKMARK IT: http://www.nuclearhotseat.com/blog/

Step 2: Evacuate #Fukushima NOW
The surrounding areas of Tokyo were especially hard hit after the #Fukushima disaster in 2011.  One suburb, Chiba in particular has a big problem – increased potential for thyroid cancer in kids.  http://fukushima-diary.com/2014/10/28-32-testees-diagnosed-a2-thyroid-inspection-matsudo-city-chiba/

Step 3: Control & Contain
A new delay in a trial to indict TEPCO executives for liability in the case for negligence at #Fukushima only exacerbates the need to remove the corrupt and inept corporation from the scene altogether so we can really get in there and do the work we still need to.  http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/10/25/national/crime-legal/311-charges-tepco-execs-delayed-three-months/#.VEuaNVSUezd

Step 4: Nuclear Power is OVER 
The nuclear bad guys apparently gotten the memo – they just keep trying to block us and obfuscate with their pie-in-the-sky fusion dreams.  TO NO AVAIL

Hey FukuFighters!  Sister Megan Rice sends her love and support in her latest letter to Operation SAVE the Earth.  The 84 year old nun seems to be in good spirits while serving time in Brooklyn for non-crime of showing the nuclear machine what a joke it truly is.  Her message is to remember that it’s all of us together that make the difference.  What our individual talents, beliefs and spirit can bring to the table is the key to our communal discernment and ultimately will be what makes the difference.  It always does.


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